
Public Procurement Law


The firm has vast expertise in Procurement Litigation and Advisory. The firm’s Procurement practice involves provision of advisory and consultancy services on tenders advertised by the national government, county government and any public procuring entity. The services also include review and preparation of tenders, addressing any arising issues including clarifications and ensuring avoidance of breach during the bidding process through bid protest by undertaking procurement litigation.

Specific expertise in this area of law includes:

  • Drafting of Requests for Review, Memorandum of Responses and other documentation filed at the Public Procurement Administrative Review Board (PPARB) to protest or defend bid decisions made by Procuring Entities;
  • Attending hearings and other proceedings before the Public Procurement Administrative Review Board;
  • Representing clients for Judicial Review or other proceedings from decisions of the PPARB or procuring entities to the High Court and higher courts.
  • Procurement advisory work including preparation and review of tender documents to enable clients submit high quality bids;
  • Procurement advisory on public procurement issues arising from either government financed or internationally financed (WB, EIB, AFD, AfDB, BADEA), donor funded (Global Fund and WHO) procurements on a wide range of projects including infrastructure.
  • Rendering legal opinions on viability of procurement cases or processes;
  • Reviewing and providing feedback on draft procurement legislation, regulations and policies.
  • Conducting procurement training and mentoring.

Key Specialists



George is the Chairman and Founding
Partner at Gerivia Advocates LLP.


Managing Partner

Susan is a Founding Partner and Vice
Chairman at Gerivia Advocates LLP.

Our Experience

Team Experience

We have a team of lawyers with vast and varied experience. The diverse work experience backgrounds represented in the firm range from experience working in and for other law firms, national and international non-governmental organisations, private sector and even in and for parastatals. The team also has international experience with exposure in multi-cultural environments. It is this rich and diverse experience that enables Gerivia Advocates LLP legal experts to deliver legally accurate results for our diverse clientele and in a pleasant manner, each and every time.

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